Saturday, August 30, 2008

On pins and needles

This week Jane had a lump removed from each breast. That was Tuesday. The procedure went fine and the surgeon said that the tissue looked ok. We then waited around for the pathology to be completed for the final word. The pathology came back clean. This is getting to be a trend. These are the third and forth benign lumps she has had removed. It is amazing what runs through your mind while you are waiting for these results. I am ever grateful for the life we have had together and am looking forward to growing old together. These are the moments that remind me how blessed we have been.

Friday, August 15, 2008

I've got the fever..

I am not a guy who watches Sports Center every day and follows pro sports really close. There are sporting events that I watch from time to time. I love college football and watch golf on Sunday to help with a nap, but I am hard pressed to watch a whole NFL game.

This week has been different. I am an Olympic junkie. On cable we are getting four channels that have Olympic coverage at some time of the day. I am even watching "football". You get to sit for about two hours and watch for maybe two or three scores. I don't feel too bad when I remember that the Olympics only come around for two weeks every two years. In just two minutes it looks like the US womens "football" team will beat Canada 2 to 1. I am having a great time.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Precious little thing.

Jane got me a 32" LCD for our anniversary. We put it in our bedroom. Of course I love it. It is only 720p but with a 32" it is not noticeable. I couldn't wait to hook it up, I spent my lunch hour yesterday taking the cabinet apart and redoing everything to get in in place. I got it all done and made my 12:30 meeting. I am still playing around with all the options and seeing just what it can do. When you look up the word fun in the dictionary it should show me playing with a new gadget.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Silver is Super!!

Today we are celebrating our 25th wedding anniversary. It is hard to believe that I can be old enough to have been married for all those years. As I look back, I have no regrets. When we first got married we were as poor as can be. We didn't even have a TV. (hard to believe that I survived) Those were great days. We worked together and just enjoyed being together. That is one thing that has not changed. I often wonder how the backward shy little boy that I was got to this place. Married to my best friend, two great kids, the world's best son in-law, go figure. Life is great and I enjoy everyday. I am excited for the next 25 years. Growing old together will be great too. Thanks my dear for always being here with me.

Friday, August 8, 2008

Little wedding song..

Hey little sister new lifes begun
Hey little sister Ryan, he’s the one
Hey little sister you’ve got six kids now
Hey little sister now your house is full
Hey little sister, Allred

It’s a nice day to start again
It’s a nice day for a great wedding
It’s a nice day to, start again

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Picking up the pace.

Thursday we found out the that the Granny's heart was slowing down to around 20 beats a minute at times. The decision was made to implant a pace maker. Friday morning she went in and got it done. Everything went well. She only had to stay in the hospital one night. Now she just has to remember to keep her arm still for a few weeks. We will now see how much of her dizziness and tiredness was a result of her heart.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

On Blog leads to another

In honor of Amanda's world class blog stalking.

One Blog Leads to another (think of One Thing Lead to another – the Fixx)

The web surfing that you start
One blog or two is all that you plan
You start reading, it’s soon leading
You end up places you never expect
Next your jumping from here
You moving all over over the net
Cause one click starts you a on trip
Grit your teeth
Your in for hours, don’t ya think

So I say,
follow the link, go where it goes
one blog leads to another
You say I’m on line too long,
I’m sure your not wrong, but then,
One blog leads to another

One blog, yes one blog leads to another, to another
Oh you never can see just where the blog trail can lead
You click on a link, for just a moment you think but then,
one blog leads to another
Yes it easy to see, how hours slip away from me
One blog leads to another yeah yeah
One blog, yes one blog leads to another, to another