Thursday, March 26, 2009

Little Update

We received a letter from Jordan's mission office the other day. We were surprised to find out that we needed to purchase a bike here and have it shipped there. It is expected that it will be to the mission office before he gets there.

So, today we went out shopping. It was a larger purchase than I would have expected, but it is done. This is a normal thing now we have found out. He bought a Liahona bike and they will ship it directly to the mission office. Little different than back in my day when you simply went to the bike shop in your first area and picked something up.

Also, we did get official word that Jordan will be speaking in Church on the 26th of April. Our church is at 11am. We want invite everyone that would like, to come over to the house after.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Temple Weekend

This weekend was all about the temple around here. Yesterday we took Jordan to the Bountiful Temple for his endowment. (he really just wanted it to be the five of us) I hope everyone will forgive us for just going as he wanted. It was an amazing experience for me as a dad. It is a wonderful thing to have both our children in the temple. (and of course Scott). I love the relationship that the five of us have. Jordan is still not sure what to think about the whole thing, but is excited for us to go back so he can get more answers.

Today we all went to the dedication of the Draper temple at the stake center. I sat there and wondered how many other members of our families were sharing the same experience. What a wonderful thing to be a part of. I am so grateful for God's plan and the blessing it brings.