Thursday, April 30, 2009

Empty Nest - Day One

So here we are. It is a strange morning. Last night Jane said "why is there light coming from the hall?". It was simply Jordan's bedroom door open and more light coming in from outside. This morning is quiet and we really have a good case of the "I don't want to's". After taking two days off we both know that today will not be pleasant at work. It often seems it can take two days to recover from taking one day off, so after taking two off it should be a real treat.

Monday, April 27, 2009

A Farewell to Jordan

Yesterday was the day for "Jordan to talk in church before leaving on his mission". The way the program was setup we were worried that he wouldn't have enough time to give his talk. First there was a song by the choir then the first speaker then another song by the choir. After all this I looked up at the clock and it was only 20 minutes till the hour. Then Jordan got up and gave a really good talk. But he only took about 7 minutes. Well, then the bishopric member who was conducting got up and "invited" a few people to come up and share their testimonies. Jane and I were lucky enough to be included. Despite that, it did end up being a really good meeting.

Then we had everyone come over to the house. We are very grateful for everyone that could come and show their love and support for him. It is always great to spend time together. It truly is what life is all about. It was pretty crowded but I hope everyone had a good time. Thanks for sharing this special day with us.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

For the Greater Good

Jordan and I just got home from the Stake Blood drive. Jordan was rejected due to a mild fever. I was able to fill the bag in 5 minutes flat. I went over to the treat table and found absolutely no Fig Newtons or Famous Amos cookies. I had to settle for trail mix. I think there should be menu for blood donors to select their treats ahead of time. A little lobster or maybe some crawfish would be great. But, at least I am simply following orders when I take it easy this evening. Other days I am simply in training for the resting required the next time I donate.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Time Goes By

Here we are with only one full week before Jordan leaves. Next weekend we will be fully engulfed in getting ready for his farewell. Then the gathering everything together, list checking and packing will take over.
Two months seemed like a lot of time when he got his call, and indeed he does have everything purchased. But, I guess as all parents, we are not sure we are ready for this big step in his and our lives. Jordan though is ready to get on with it. Having been in his shoes, I understand. You spend so much of your life preparing for that day. Once you have your call and have everything you need, you are ready to get going.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Easter Morning

This morning my thoughts turn to a beautiful and peaceful garden. An empty tomb and a single word, "Master". I feel the joy when the realization that all Jesus had told his disciples had come to pass. His mortal mission complete and the victory won. I am so grateful for this knowledge and the hope and peace it brings to my life. As I see the sun rise this morning the dawning of a new day means so much more because of that new day.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Priesthood Session

Last month in our meeting with the Stake Presidency, they told us that the Ward Clerks should stay after and get conference tickets for their ward. I asked ours to see if he could get a pair of priesthood session tickets. I was hoping to take Jordan. Our ward only got a total of 10 tickets but he was able to get the pair for me.

So, yesterday Jordan and I went to the session. It was the first time for either of us to actually be in the Conference Center for Priesthood. We got downtown early and went to the Nauvoo Cafe in the Joseph Smith Memorial Building. The food was really good, but a little pricey. We then went over to the Conference Center. It was a great session. The story of the light bulb will stay with me. It was great to be there with so many priesthood holders. I am grateful for Lords plan and the strength that we can gain together.