Thursday, October 2, 2008

Busy Month

I have not fallen off the earth, I have had a busy month and finally have enough time to write a little about it.

First I have been called as the executive secretary in the ward. This is a calling I have always hoped to avoid. I have this fear of calling people on the phone. No there is no logic to it, but hey who needs logic to be afraid. I am happy to report that calling for this bishop is much easier than calling for myself. I think that having a behind the scenes job may be just what the doctor ordered. There are now three executive secretaries in my department at work, must be something in the water.

The other big thing this month was a trip to Disneyland. Jane, Jordan, Shaunna, Brandie, Dillon and I went down for three fun filled days in the parks. We had a great time. This was Dillon's first time on an airplane. We walked till we were exhausted and rode most everything twice. It was really fun to be there while they have everything decorated for Halloween. Disney does such a great job. Thanks to Jordan and Dillon for exploring and finding things that we would have missed otherwise. They had a temporary setup where you could ride a segway scooter. It was a blast. It was my favorite ride of the trip. Now if I only had a spare few thousand laying around I would buy one. We visited the home of the future and got to play with Microsoft Surface. I love new technology and this was a whole house full. I really felt at home there. It was a great trip and I am grateful that everyone could make it.


Manda Jane Clawson said...

I hate talking on the phone too. You'd think it be easier for me since that's my job... but it's not! :)

Heather B Allred said...

I'm glad you're still alive and kicking. I've missed reading your views on life.

Brandie B. said...

You are my uncle and i went to Disney land with you, you have been my uncle for 22 years and you can't even spell my name right!!!!!!!!!! Its BRANDIE, IE not Y Thanks!!!1 Disney Land was fantastic by the way! Thanks for letting us go with you!!!!!!!

John Boyd said...

Hey Brandie, I can hardly spell my own name. To be honest, I wondered if I spelled yours, your moms or even Dillon's name right.

Brandie B. said...

Thank you for fixing it. And yes, you spelled everyone else's name right!