Saturday, April 18, 2009

Time Goes By

Here we are with only one full week before Jordan leaves. Next weekend we will be fully engulfed in getting ready for his farewell. Then the gathering everything together, list checking and packing will take over.
Two months seemed like a lot of time when he got his call, and indeed he does have everything purchased. But, I guess as all parents, we are not sure we are ready for this big step in his and our lives. Jordan though is ready to get on with it. Having been in his shoes, I understand. You spend so much of your life preparing for that day. Once you have your call and have everything you need, you are ready to get going.

1 comment:

CindyBG said...

I don't know if you really can be ready for that big day. It was a little easier the second time with Kate, but she'd been away at school for 2 years, too. I found it physically painful to walk away and see him walk out that door, knowing we wouldn't see Chris for 2years. You'll probably be just fine---I was a bit of a baby. Just thought I'd warn you so you'll be prepared just incase! We'll be thinking of all of you on the 26th and the 29th. Give Jordan a big hug from the Garvin's!