Sunday, July 13, 2008

The little squirrel that can..

There are squirrels that have been living in Grammy's yard for several years. They have had a home in the old wood pile and a supply of walnuts from the trees next door. We have enjoyed watching them over the years. This year their world was turned upside down. First the walnut trees were taken out. Second the wood pile was removed. We wondered what would become of them. Well, it seems that they are they kind of creatures that just make the best of things. We see at least one hanging around the yard as much if not more than before. It doesn't look like they are starving or really having any problems to speak of. It looks as though they simply took a look at their new world and got to work to make due. Wow, no poor me, no where is my FEMA trailer, no where is my government supplied nuts. I'm impressed.

1 comment:

Manda Jane Clawson said...

Government supplied nuts... ha ha! That's awesome :)