Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Father of Middle Earth

Today I want to talk about another father that has made a huge difference in my life. I would refer to him as the father of middle earth. His name is J.R.R. Tolkien. His books have taken me to a world where adventure, heroism and magic still exist. These characters and these places have become as real to me as almost anyplace on this earth.

The concept that good people working together can overcome almost anything is something that I really love. These stories show that right is worth fighting for and that hope should be a part of everything we do. In his stories the smallest of people make the biggest difference. As I have traveled with these characters over the misty mountains to the fields of Gondor, I have seen them become more than they thought they could ever be.

When the Lord of the Rings was being made into a movie I was worried that they would not be able to do the story justice. I now realize that Peter Jackson must have the same love for these stories that I do.

I have read many other fantasy / adventure stories over time, but would have to say that almost all ride on the back of Tolkien's work. I am thankful for the adventure and wonder that he has brought into my life.

1 comment:

Manda Jane Clawson said...

You're so funny1 With Mothers day you were all serious and talking about everyone and now you post about wierd people for fathers day :) makes me laugh!!