Friday, June 13, 2008

Richard Oliver

I wanted to start my serious father's day entries by talking about my father in law, Richard Oliver Yeates. It has been over 5 years since he passed away and the world has not been the same. He was indeed a great man. He had a hard childhood losing his parents very early. He was a constant "make the best of it" kind of guy. He told me stories about basic training in the army. He looked at what needed to be done and just got at it. He took the experience of the army to learn as much as he could.

My experience with him was one of acceptance from day one. He was always great to me. He became a friend and father, always looking out for us and ready to help in any way he could. I spent many happy hours in the den with him just talking. He was a great example of a husband and father. He always put them first and wanted the best for them. He worried about everyone to a level that at times drove him crazy. He was a true craftsman and could build almost anything.

On father's day I hope that all of us that have been blessed by his life will take time to think about all he did for us. I am sure that he is watching his family from above and wanting the best for us as he always did.

1 comment:

Aunt Vickie said...

Thanks for the comments about our dad. A day does not go by that I don't think about him...something he would say or do, some lesson taught or "words of wisdom" he would share. He was a great guy and we were lucky to have him in our lives. Well John, gotta go. It's after 9:00p.m. and you know what that means! Janice