Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Not an Instant Winner - Please try again

Everyone around our house knows that if there is a bottle cap, a game token, or anything where there is a chance to win something, don't let me open it. If I do, you can be assured that the words that will some day adorn my head stone will appear. "NOT AN INSTANT WINNER" Often these are followed by something like "sorry, please try again".

These words have come to have special meaning to me. Some would say "you mean your a loser?". I would say not at all. These words apply to most everything in my life. So seldom do I (or most people for that matter) get just what I want "instantly". The invitation to "try again" is one of the most important concepts we can learn. I would tell you that my "NOT AN INSTANT WINNER" tag is a badge of honor. It notes the struggle that has been a part of almost everything that is of value in my life.

This concept of trying again has paid off many times. A great example is with my wife. When we first were setup on a blind date she was less than overwhelmed with me. After calling her back a few times I got the hint that a second date was not in the offing. I would leave her alone for a month or so, and then would "try again". After a few months she was able to see the error of her ways and the rest is history. I have used this same model many times and through patience and perseverance it is amazing what can happen. So I strongly recommend whenever you are "Not an instant winner", "Please try again"..

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