Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Do ya a lot a good

For the last three weeks I have been walking in the mornings again. I spend about thirty minutes out in the morning air. I enjoy the time to just be by myself and think. It is amazing how it changes the entire day. I have more energy and am more alert. That is not to say that I no longer drop off to sleep at times.

I have been walking most days for some time, but this winter I didn't just fall off the wagon, I jumped off and ran away. Like everything else in life, a good habit is hard to start and easy to stop. While bad habits just show up on their own and never want to go. They remind me of weeds, they keep sprouting and you keep fighting.

Walking has had a large influence on my blogging. In between solving the worlds problems, I have these random thoughts run through my head that end up here. As a wise old man once said about walking "all that fresh air and exercise will do ya a lot a good".


Scott said...

Do the chickens have large talons?

Manda Jane Clawson said...


Neal said...

Hey average Guy,
You got me walking last fall and I got hooked. All winter I have gone to the fitness center and now I jog, swim or bike 3-5 days per week. I ran two mini-mini triathalons and just completed my first ride too and from work about 9 miles.
I might even begin eating right so I can lose weight, but I hate to have the appearance of one of those over-the-top motivated athletic types if you know what I mean.
Thanks for your above average example.
Mr Alternative Body Style.