Thursday, May 22, 2008

Doctor Pearce's Opus

Last evening we attended a choir performance at the high school. It was a presentation of Karl Jenkins' Requiem. In was a combined performance by the Concert Choir, Orchestra and Dance Company. It was incredible. At a time or two a found myself questioning if this music could really be coming from these high school kids. They sang from memory Latin and Japanese for almost an hour.

Mark Pearce is the choir teacher at the school. Both my daughter and son have been in his choir classes. I am grateful that they took the opportunity to be a part of this. These experiences will stay with them forever.

This has reminded me of when I was in the high school choir with Mark's father as my choir director. Mark has the same commitment and passion that his father shared with me. I am grateful that there are people willing to commit their lives to enrich the lives of our children. My life has been blessed by both the father and his son.

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