Monday, May 12, 2008

My Mother-in-law

This is my final mothers day entry, (I promise). This series would not be complete without a few words about my mother-in-law. I am so lucky to not have any idea what people are talking about when they complain about in-laws. Grammy "as my kids call her" has always been great to me. She took me in and treated my as one of the family from the start. She was so helpful when we were first married. For a full year we would do all our laundry at her home. She never said a word. In fact, she rewarded us with a meal whenever we were there. Her home has always been a place of refuge and welcome for her family. She set the example of what a wife and mother should be for my wife. My children and I have enjoyed the benefits of that teaching.

Ours lives are much richer due to her service and example. Now she has reached the time of life when we have the chance to return some of that caring and service. We are honored to be able to be there for her.

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