Sunday, May 11, 2008

Mothers Day is Here

Today I wanted to continue my mothers day theme by talking about the mother of my children. Jane has been a mother now for almost 22 years. I have learned so much from watching her be a mom. There is nothing that she can't or won't do for her children. She has always made them her top priority. Even though she never knew my grandma Isabell Bracken, she takes after her when it comes to defending her children. I will never forget the day when there was program to award achievement day certificates in our ward. When we arrived at the program we found out that Amanda was the only one not receiving an award for her accomplishments when she had indeed done the work. Jane was so angry she couldn't even speak. You can mess with us, but don't mess with her kids. I doubt Amanda even remembers that night, but I am sure Jane will ever forget it. We have been planning to take a trip this summer without the kids. We have never done this before and she has been feeling guilty about it. Jordan is insisting that we go ahead and go. As always she is wanting to put them first.

Watching her as a mother over these years has been great. I have seen her capacity to love go beyond anything I have known. As we are approaching the empty nest faze of our lives, I know that this love will continue to grow as our family grows. We have been so blessed to have gone from a family of 4 to a family of 5 with Amanda getting married.

Having such a great mom as my wife is something that I am so grateful for. I am a better man because of her. I have found this subject hard to put into words, so many of these feelings are so personal. I do want the world to know that I love her beyond what words can express.

1 comment:

Manda Jane Clawson said...

I love this post! I have to tell you with my friends parents' splitting up it was always such a comfort to me to know how much you loved Mom I never had to question it, and it set a BIG example in what I wanted as a husband. Thanks Daddy, I love you!!