Monday, May 19, 2008

Simple Pleasures

This weekend was much like any other. Friday night we spent the evening at Jane's moms. Saturday we did our usual house work and shopping. We did get to a garden center to purchase a few flowers for Jane's mom and a tree for us. We then planted the flowers in one flower bed at moms house. The rest of the evening was spent with Analey and Jane working on Analey's quilt. Jordan on the other hand was attending his last dance of high school. They rode in a Hummer Limo to dinner and to the dance. They played laser tag and just had a great time. This is the end if the school dance era for our family. I am glad that he went and had a great time. Sunday like most was spent in church and having dinner with the family.

Ours is a simple life in many ways. The average family going about the normal things that we do. When I take time to sit back and reflect, I see that the joy in life is made up of these simple things.

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