Friday, May 9, 2008

Grandma Crosby

My grandmother on my mothers side is Nellie Crosby. She was one of the most joyful people I have ever known. I can't say if she was this way with everyone, but around her family she was. She could remember every detail of the lives of everyone. You didn't need to talk to aunts, uncles or cousins, you simply needed to talk to grandma. She would share with you all the "wonderful and fantastic" things that everyone was doing. No one else in the world had a family as incredible as hers. Through it all I knew that secretly I was the favorite. (I know that everyone else thought they were, but it was really me). I always enjoyed spending time with grandma and grandpa. The job I had after high school was near to their home and I would go and have lunch with them most days. This visits reminded me that I really was her favorite.

Each Christmas day there would be a special hand made gift waiting for you. The only thing that was required was to come to her home to collect it. These personal gifts were the product of a years worth of work on her part. As soon as Christmas was over she would begin work on next years gifts. She had the ability to look at things and see what they could become. The wise men she made from beer bottles are falling apart but we still treasure them. My favorite gift is a small man she made for me. He is made from yarn and has a cape and a big sombrero. This is made around a mini bottle. Once again she looked past what something was and saw what it could be. I wonder if that is the way she saw us.

Life with grandma around was truly sweet. I hope that I can pass on that feeling of love and confidence that I felt when she was around. This is the way I hope to honor her. It reminds me that none of us truly walk alone, but we are lifted by those who helped us become who we are.

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